

Art Found On an Amsterdam Train

I am always going through old photographs I have taken, and sorting through old artworks as well. This is a photograph I took when visiting Amsterdam, Holland. I found this exquisite piece of art on the train I was riding in-between Schipol Airport and the city. 

I really like the design, and the first artist it reminds me of is Basquiat. Nice abstract shadow portrait with  some abstract symbolism and lots of energy. The artist only used 3 tones (4 if you count the background), and I presume it was done in a hurry since it was on a train. I kind of like the fact that the crown of the head is on a different plane, kind of lending an almost mystical aspect to the composition. How does that  Grateful Dead line go....? "You get shown the light the strangest of places if you look at it right". This day in Amsterdam was definitely one of those moments for me. 

I don't know who the artist is, but if you are familiar with the street artists of Amsterdam, please tell me who it could be. The chances of the piece still being there are slim, and if it is, it is definitely faded. You could look at me as an art conservator of sorts!

Art found on a train between Schipol Airport and the city of Amsterdam.
Artist unkown, photo by Ed Tajchman.

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