

Painting: Fish-Person Freakout by Ed Tajchman

Yes another painting. I have begun doing these smaller watercolors 11 x 15" size. I am also doing larger paintings in acrylic but I really have enjoyed getting back to watercolors, which is the first kind of painting I learned.

 Small works are good because creating paintings is like telling a story. Each one says something about me and also should stand on it's own. Each new painting has a relationship to the last one in things like, use of similar forms and style, and the evolution of those things from work to work. Sometimes symbols, color patterns, being repeated etc. etc. So when working small like this the story is evolving much faster than it does when doing only larger work, so it's been a lot of fun.

Anyways, here is another one of these watercolors. I tentatively call it "Fish-Person Freakout". I really like this one, but when choosing a favorite I'll have to stick to what Dr. Seuss always said when asked what his favorite book that he wrote was, "The next one I write". So cheers to that notion! And Cheers also to the next chapter in my story and yours as well.

A lot of these watercolors will be matted and framed and for sale. Or if you want to frame it yourself you can just have the painting. See my website http://edsartworkshop.com for more information or contact info.

Fish-Person Freakout by Ed Tajchman©. Watercolor and ink, 11 x 15"

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