

Review of Independent Movie: APART

I recently watched an independent movie from 2011 directed by Aaron Rottinghaus called APART. On one hand it is a basic teenage love story with common elements like trying to keep two star-crossed lovers apart, with jealousy, etc. That part of the story is kind of basic and underdeveloped, but for me the twist to the movie is far more important. The two main characters are both schizophrenic and able to produce or see shared delusions or visions when around each other. Like polar opposite magnets with explosive effects. You could say the movie is a teenage love story with esetoric and horror aspects to it.

I am willing to forgive the weaker elements because those delusional moments are so interesting to me purely on an aesthetic level. The times in the movie when the shared delusions, or whatever they are; happen. I enjoyed the way that those intense moments are expressed with symbolism and metaphor. Simple - yes, but also very poignont I thought. Things like time standing still with frost and ice forming, right after a relationship ended. Or the way that the two perceived space/time as seeming to slow down and speed up or crash together with their thoughts,  when one of those moments was about to happen. APART straddles science-fiction, horror, and drama. Using metaphorical elements to portray intense emotional and pyschological states were the key moments for me.

People who like well made music videos will like this movie. For me it's those moments that make the rest of the usual trite stuff almost unimportant. Those that want a great arching story or romantic comedy might not like it.


Clipping Path said...

It's really a nice movie. I wish all viewers will like it. Thanks for this review.

Clipping Path Service India said...

Thank you very much. It looks excellent.
Clipping Path Service