

Moonlight Caressing a Beast's Tooth

Moonlight talking inside my head while watching fields of wheat fly.
A movement of mind from another time I could hear sigh.

What to do with your cap to your head when you're walking?
just keep it on top, keep on going and continue talking.

Sometimes I try so hard not to die I forget to live,
Quiet moments found in the discreet perfection of lines,

Universal understanding in a real new way all the time.
the rain flowed deep into the valley it felt like a sign.

Create in your mind the beam of light we ride
paths across my heart sink like ice as I glide

Being honest and expressive in a real way every day.
makes it harder to stop feeling everything so deeply.

Back on a path I've forged,
on the future I gorge.

The animal within drinks tea quietly waiting.
In the night you see him pacing the cage debating.

The softest fingers from the most delicate hand
caresses his fangs from where she chooses to stand.

Moonlight speaking inside my soul as morning ascends.
There is a pride, a love, in my soul on which I must depend.

-Ed Tajchman


Unknown said...

this poem speaks to me deeply it is oh to easy to lose our soul in this computer age. I can almost feel you connecting deeply with the earth and being caressed by the moon. Who are you? You have too much talent for one human being to be real.

Ed T. said...

Thanks Charlotte, I have learned how to spend a lot of time alone and enjoy it, maybe too well.