

Photo Tour of Sunday Morning and Afternoon in Amsterdam, Holland

I was in Holland earlier this year. Unfortunately this time around I only got to spend an afternoon in Amsterdam before moving on in my journey, but it was a memorable one nonetheless. I took a couple hundred photographs this day, after I arrived early on a Sunday morning and before I left; a couple hours before evening approached. 

In my header at the top of the page I know I say I share my artwork here at this blog but have failed to provide any real substance in that category for some time now. What I consider 'my art' are my paintings and drawings, and more recently my acrylic paintings. I do have several good paintings that are the beginning of a new series of works for me that I am very excited about. I hesitate to present them just yet before I finish all the details, and before I have more work in the series done.

My point is that although today, now, I am starting a series of  posts showcasing my photographs of my walking tour of Amsterdam, my real work is these paintings described briefly in the last paragraph. I am not dissing on photography by any means and I really enjoy taking pictures and working with them in graphics editors, but my heart of hearts is in my paintings. I don't want to take anything away from this series of photos I will present here though. 

Today I present four photographs of my journey, starting with my arrival at the Amsterdam Central train station from the airport and my entry into the city early Sunday Morning.  In future posts the tour will continue along with a brief journal of my thoughts and whatnot at the time as I move along. Eventually I will put them together in a slideshow, hopefully with the playlist I had going in my MP3 player that I listened to as I walked along, making for a real re-creation of my visual and mental tour of the city. Some of the photos have obviously been manipulated as I see fit.

First we have me arriving at Amsterdam Central Station from Schipol Airport at about 7 in the morning. Schipol is like 20 minutes outside of the city center.

Next I step out of the train station after finally figuring out how to store my luggage in a locker. Now its already 8 in the morning.

This is just one of the many small cars parked right on the sidewalk or whatever, all over the city. Unlike American cities, here people drive and park almost anywhere and everywhere their car can fit, and still pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists get along perfectly with little regulation.

The last photo I present in this first edition of my walking tour of Amsterdam is another one of those tiny cars, do you call them 'smart cars'? You would never see a car this tiny in the states. This one has the logo of The Bulldog on it, which is a series of coffee shops in Amsterdam. 

Alright that's it for today, I will continue with this in future posts. Maybe it's not that exciting for some people, but after many hours of travelling, three airports, customs, waiting for luggage for like an hour and a half, arriving early Sunday morning in Amsterdam was quite sublime, and exciting for this American, and a fantastically memorable time.
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PSACHNO said...

Hey,I enjoyed your pics and comments on Amsterdam! I visited at least 3 times and each time was sublime...

Holland is a country unto itself, but with philosophies after my own heart! So open, so free.

In Amsterdam I found very friendly, helpful people. I also loved being surrounded by the old town and all the aesthetics pouring down around me. It reminded me of Venice, with canals, and no place new to build ugly, utilitarian structures.

Loved the delis, museums, and, of course, the cafes. Visiting Amesterdam is like steeping into another plane of existence... wish I was there now!


Martina Jolie said...
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Ed T. said...

Note to Jolie/Travel Agency. If you have a blog or artist website that is the only link you can make. Advertising links will be taken down. you must pay to advertise, sorry.

Soha said...

all your photos are amazing and that reminds me of my first Amsterdam tour..It was really a great tour of my traveling life..I had gone here with my kids and they also loved Amsterdam city too much.