

Painting as a Meditation on the Self and the Universe

Why can making art be a challenge? For me specifically, making acrylic paintings I will try to explain a little bit why this is true. In some way or another you are always painting yourself. Even when I spent years painting in complete non-representational art with no conscious intention, aspects of myself always come through. If I do quick sketches, still-lifes, or planned compositions, aspects of the self always worm through. I find this to be true when I write prose as well, it is a therapeutic process on some levels. Even when you are not physically working on the piece it is often in your mind, even after finishing it. Leonardo said, "art is never finished, only abandoned". I am sure many artists of all kinds relate to these aspects of the creative process. That is why making paintings is more stressful then you think it is. Because you ARE always painting yourself whether you want to or not. It is like a mirror of yourself, an extended daily meditation of 6, 8 sometimes 12 hours or more. That is what makes art beautiful though, honest art is an expression of the soul, a mirror of it. That is what I try to instill into my artwork.

1 comment:

How to open third eye said...

The control of meditation helps keep some space open,so we can tune into the voice which lets us know who we positively are and the moves that we must make from that center character.Profound listening is a crucial methodology for making what is key on the grounds that it emerges from the piece of us that is key.It identifies with a bigger methodology of tuning oneself as one may tune a musical instrument to create resounding notes.in request to genuinely development one's medium, a craftsman must listen and first take counsel from it.Thank you.
~Stacey Cruz.