

"Divided Sky" - 4 x 5' Acrylic Painting

Divided Sky, 4 x 5 ft acrylic by Ed T. © 2008

This is another fairly recent (about two years old), experimental, acrylic painting of mine. None of my titles for my paintings are really permanent but I have to refer to them in some way, and I call this one Divided Sky.

I have done a number of these non-objective, large acrylic paintings over the past few years and they aren't what you would call 'pretty', but that's okay because I hate pretty art! Now my watercolor paintings for example might be looked upon as more fluent, but these large acrylics have a kind of experimental raw ugliness that I like.
“Evermore in the world is this marvelous balance of beauty and disgust, magnificence and rats” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I remember being a child and being drawn to looking at not physically beautiful people per say, but people with interesting faces. Not necessarily ugly (how does one define beautiful and ugly anyways) but people with faces that had character. I'll take interesting over beautiful any day of the week. Not to say that a painting can't be interesting and beautiful, because art can be anything really. I am just saying I have an appreciation for the balance in life. The highs and the lows, the beautiful in contrast with the ugly, good and evil; none of these things would be possible without the other.


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed by the ambition of this piece. First, it's BIG! I've always been intimidated to attempt something this large.

You've got so much going on in this piece - the colors, macro and micro design elements, textures. Also impressive! I like how you've divided the piece - there is obviously a great different between the two sides but there are a lot of similarities that hold it together.

Very interesting!

Anonymous said...

Very cool painting...but not pretty. Ugly as hell, in fact. Well, not really. Ultimately, I think beauty is an experience rather than a quality inherent in anything. So, basically, looking at something supposedly beautiful that doesn't give you that experience is not an experience of beauty. That was kinda tautlogical wasn't it? Or maybe just illogical....

Never mind. The point is I like the painting.

Ed T. said...

Thanks Bob, Thanks Yoga,

I definitely use a potpurri of odd painting methods as you pointed out Bob, thanks for your compliments! As far as the size goes I had a couple rolls of canvas I bought on sale and just started cutting them up one day. Now I have all these paintings taking up space. My girlfriend is not completely happy about it!

And the definition of beauty is a fickle thing for sure Yoga. Tautological, what a word! I am impressed... I had to look it up, it means needless repetition. Word of the day!

Lynda Lehmann said...

I agree and dislike the concept of art HAVING to be beautiful. Many forms of ugliness are actually beautiful, and I wish we had more words in our language to distinguish different shades of meaning.

For me, looking at and making art are a visual EXPERIENCE, and the idea of beauty in the traditional sense of the word, doesn't always compel me.

I've never heard this quote from Emerson, but I like it a lot! So much paradox in the world....

Ed T. said...

Lynda -
I agree, it's a visceral experience looking at art,... odd things can definitely move me more than 'traditional' things can.... thanks for reading