

Save the Internet! Get Involved in the Net-Neutrality Battle!

You might have heard of this issue 'net-neutrality' recently like I have. I am not an expert but will quickly lay out my understanding of it (a dumbed down version because that's how I myself process information sometimes) and explain why you (the reader) should get involved (see links at the bottom).

Okay net-neutrality means that right now the internet is neutral so to speak, (the internet as you know it now is neutral). But there are media corporations (phone companies, internet providers, search engines, etc) that are negotiating a deal to control how and what information we are able to receive. Basically, right now no entity or person 'owns' the internet, but these billion dollar media groups are plotting to control how information on the internet is provided to you (us) the consumer. (In my opinion a kind of capitalist version of a 'big-brother' style of information control.)

Why is the congress in a majority support in favor of ending net-neutrality? Because the same people that defend British Petroleum (and some democrats too) are the same people that also serve the interests of corporate media groups.

If net-neutrality ends, wi-fi would be a much harder thing to come by, corporate endorsed media would be favored (and downloaded to your computer faster) over individual's media. The price of a good connection will skyrocket, ticky-tack fees will be added to every site you go to, (like 50 cents to watch each youtube video). The progress that has been made in the information revolution would be reset and erased. The world has become a better place since the internet has provided a world-wide flow of information that has connected people and made the world a community. We cannot let this progress evaporate. Below are links to more information and ways that you can get involved in saving the internet as we know it!

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