

The Insides of Oceans

The story was fluid like and at the same time completely different each new window into a world. People, mothers, sisters, brothers are different each time. Hard to tell how soon the shift happens, things would be completely different again except for one thread. I would focus on a frying pan for example and the whole thing shifts, like flying forward in a four dimensional square and then the colors come back in and the people are different around me. At first I could only notice one thread the same each time, then it was two or three threads that I could recognize or even weave myself. I've had dreams like this before but this is the first time I managed to get close to writing down, this is what I am doing right now.

The key is the phase shift while focusing on seeing as many common elements as you can in the next sequence even when everything shifts, people, rooms, situations everything within short spans. The common threads might even shift form but you still know their unique energy and can follow it. Like minutes or every 30 seconds, but sometimes maybe years or just an hour. Writing this I know I stumbled onto something. Overturned the underworld of dreams, found the child like knowing; the remembering of, a timeless way of seeing all the shifts of people's intentions. It all happens in the space of the now that we are all in each of those moments happening presently.

Always on the tip of the tongue are the fruit from the outstretched limbs of the waking mind's grasp, slipping between phases; deciding which place is more real. Feeling the dreams that come of other's emotions instantly on their face, you never even knew them, but they feel the same. In so many places and years you felt her hands, and her eyes felt the wounds inside your heart; though you never knew her.

When the heart turns be grateful that it is moving, follow it's lead no need to bleed needlessly dripping all over the floor, your thoughts, emotions revealed in all the small notions on the slight twist of the lips, eyebrow slips release the teeth the, tongue gets heavy, the sweat drips larger. More than happening when it comes on fully, shifting seamlessly in-between all the layers of every waking second when there is no way to measure days or hours truly. Sitting on the bench staring at my clouds of emotion that slowly shift inside and also in the sky. Deciding to no longer lie about a strong desire to love life in every way. Knowing the redemption is your own. Colliding into grace when you need the way it talks to you through a union of symbols in the moments of people around you now.

-Ed Tajchman

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