

October Eyes

Living in love amongst the blood in the deepest thick and oozing mud all around all our sores. all of our pain let go in a rushing flow of releasing entombment.

Uncolonized air of new growth searching, drunk ants twirling in the sink again they found the mouthwash, the same way the butterflies twirl when they feed on the grapes hanging off the vine.

No choice but to embrace the fire to keep warm. Smoke in the eyes, winds of change, breathe of night, butter in the moon, blood under fingernails the smell of burnt hair, shit, and blood. Lungs grasp for purity, the soul seeks love and renewal.

Knowing the mistakes that one has made enables the possibility of a strong vision. Knowing how much worse it can get, realizing how many false dreams must be shattered, how much struggle and blood and clawing and hunger there could be.

On the cement floor cold and broken no longer? Cannot wait any longer to feel freedom. Knowing the sky is endless and the toenails hold tight.

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