

"Colored Pencil and Ink Drawing"

I have always been struck with the way that Wassily Kandinsky used color. I mean really in my eyes he revolutionized the use of color in painting. He launched an all-out assault on objectivity you could say even. So it's no wonder I consider his artwork an influence on my own.

"Colored Pencil and Ink drawing" by Ed T. ©

Here we have yet another entry from an old sketchbook of mine; just an abstract expressionist style doodle really. I am going to be presenting a lot of these as I continue to go through my old work and digitize it. Speaking of Kandinsky though, let's hear his thoughts on the psychic effects of looking at color:
"They produce a corresponding spiritual vibration, and it is only as a step towards this spiritual vibration that the elementary physical impression is of importance."

-Wassily Kandinsky,
Concerning the Spiritual in Art, 1911.
This quote makes me think of Mark Rothko's paintings; his style of large layered color fields meant to evoke emotion in the viewer. I of course think he accomplished this brilliantly, and am a huge fan of Rothko's work. But what I am trying to say though is that - of course color has a kind of spiritual resonance, or at least a reaction from the psyche. It is with the process of painting, especially non-objective painting; that we can further explore the relationship between color and the viewer.


Anonymous said...

Hi - I must say I do enjoy your work. . . It's very pleasing. Mad Night is superb.

Ed T. said...

thanks for your compliments they are appreciated, k. whitton-williams!

Anonymous said...

I just want to say keep publish your job here and keep on blogging...

Ed T. said...

thanks Umbul

Anonymous said...

Great doodle, Ed! I wish my more intentional paintings had this much expression and dynamics! Just a hint of a face, it seems to me, to give it some kind of personal element.