

"Face, Foot, and Hands"

Face, Foot, and Hands, by Ed T. © '08

This old drawing of mine (2003) is really just a quick hand, foot and face study that I added some color to, more of a play with figurative design than anything else. In class I always found myself doodling my hands because there was never anything interesting to sketch from the classroom, (I guess I could have paid attention to the lesson). Anyways, I have always liked drawing hands and feet.

The process of sorting through all of my old artwork is turning into a lengthy process. I have so much work that I have not thought about for a long time. But the moment I see a piece that I have forgotten about I am taken right back into the time when I created it. That is one thing that I love about art, it can be like a portal to a time and place, akin to smells that bring memories to your mind. At the same time though, in regards to sharing the work - do you really want people meandering through these visual expressions of emotion and personal expression?

"To have all your life's work and to have them along the wall, it's like walking in with no clothes on. It's terrible." -Andrew Wyeth
I can't speak for all artists but I think a lot of the time the answer is yes, you should relish the chance to show your work, and overlook any shyness you may have about it. Not just show the work, but you need to also ruthlessly promote yourself I say. Well maybe not ruthlessly but you get my point, - that I believe an artist has to be confident in their work and share it unabashedly.

Ed Tajchman's Mythic Imaginings

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