

Large Acrylic Work: Visceral Composition #1

This piece is fairly recent - from 2006, and until this point unseen outside of what you would call my studio. (I'm kinda slow sometimes finishing and photographing my work). It's a large (about 4 x 4-1/2') acrylic painting with just a touch of collage. It's part of a bunch of large fairly experimental acrylic paintings I've done in the last few years, all in a very kind of raw and visceral style.

By the way, what a great word - visceral. The technical definition - it's the plural form of viscus; an internal organ of the body, (as the spleen, kidney, heart, etc). So it's like feeling something deeply; as if in the viscera. Or here is my own definition: earthy, primal, crude, elemental, intuitive, raw. Or defined as follows (dict.org):

1. Of, pertaining to, or affecting the viscera; splanchnic.

2. Having deep sensibility.

3. Proceeding from emotion or instinct rather than from
intellect; deeply emotional; -- as, a visceral reaction.

4. Dealing with coarse or base emotions; -- as, a visceral
literary style.

Visceral Composition #1 by Ed T. © '08

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll bet this is pretty powerful in real life, given it's size and the strong colors, shapes and textures! I like the way you've incorporated various floral elements in an otherwise very "visceral" piece. Lots to look at here...

Funny how the web normalizes different sizes - your very large piece is seen a few inches in size. My monoprint pieces are typically 6x6" and may appear larger than that on the screen!