

Digital Lumia Art By George Stadnik

I originally had a blurb about artist George Stadnik at the end of a recent post, but he was kind enough to provide me with a picture of one of his works, so I thought this deserved it's own post. If you haven't checked out my post on light shaped to create art, check out this post: Thomas Wilfred's Lumia, and George Stadnik's website is: The Art of Lumia.

Image © by George Stadnik, all rights reserved

This is a still-shot from the new Digital Lumia DVD release - "Three Times Three". The image is from the first 30 seconds of the piece, which is a series of three movements, each 6 minutes long. Mr. Stadnik says the inspiration for this composition comes from, 'Monet's studies of light and shadow at different times of the day at Rouen Catherdral.' His website cited above has various pages with more work to view and background information on the more classic Wilfred version of Lumia, as well as the digital work described here.

In addition to DVD ordering info, you can find a 4mb clip from the movie "Flame" on the Digital Lumia page. Definitely check it out it's not only light-bending, it's mind-bending. You might have seen some of those screensavers/visuals that correspond to the music you play in your digital music player... well this is like that but with like a million times better resolution, design, and texture with a much more organic feel. You have to see it to believe it. A big thanks goes out to Mr. Stadnik for sharing his work with us.


dolls like us said...

I liked what you did it was entertating and very unusual but i like unusual artwork.

Ed T. said...

so do I, thanks for reading, Dolls.

Unknown said...

It's great to see what you did.yes it something unusual and looks really great.I like it.


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