

I Somewhat Enjoy the Winter Blahs

I haven't written anything for a while, and I am blaming it on the winter blahs. Really though, I kind of like winter; I like using it has an excuse to stay inside and paint, watch movies, and drink lots of coffee. I do those things all the time even when it's nice outside, but at least when it's winter I have an excuse. Also, battling the snow, ice, sleet, and nosehair-freezing cold can be interesting at least. Stepping outside into the empty white crystallized frozen death of winter; it's daunting and beautiful at the same time.

Red and Blue Design by Ed T. ©

I always thought to myself that I would not like to live somewhere where there isn't winter, but I think I am changing my mind. Maybe I could do without a few months of freezing weather every year. It sounds so cliche and I hate that, but as I get older winter seems to take more of a toll on me. Well anyways, I haven't been writing much but I have been somewhat productive on the painting end, doing several small watercolors that will actually be framed and for sale in the near future hopefully. Although I have sold a couple paintings and prints and have had offers for some of my work, this is the first time I will actually formally be offering original paintings for sale. Above is one of those paintings I have been working on over the past few weeks.


Anonymous said...

I can relate....I get this seasonal depression that really isn't depression in the sense of being unhappy or full of dread...more like a profound lack of energy, so that, if I could get away with watching videos all winter, it'd be just fine.

Anyway, very cool painting.

Anonymous said...

Great painting, Ed! Good luck with your commercial efforts. It's always an interesting process.

Hopefully there is light at the end of the winter tunnel!

Unknown said...

Really it's a great painting.It's a challenge in life that we have to go over it.Avoid depression and go positively.

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www.rumneyexclusive.com said...

winter dowsn't have to be depressing, it depends on your perspective, I alway look forward to the fun times with my kids like halloween, bonfire night and christmas (hang on that means spending vast amounts of money) ahhhh!

keep your chin up though

take care


Original Canvas Paintings by Pete Rumney