

Exhibition - "From the Center: Now!"

If you are of the Chicago area or will be there during Jan. 22 through Feb. 12th, you should consider stopping by the Woman Made Gallery and catching the National Exhibition that will be there during that time, called From the Center: Now!

This exhibition is a juried show by feminist author and art historian Lucy Lippard. The theme is a reference to her work From the Center: Feminist Essays on Women's Art, and presents the history, current state, and future of women's art. The show features 54 pieces and 30 more which can be viewed on the Women Made Gallery website. The show is held in association with the non-profit group's Women's Caucus for Art (WCA) annual achievement awards.

I found the following quote in a 1972 letter from Lucy Lippard to Gloria Steinem:
"It's about time women artists got something other than thier legs (un) covered in the media..." -Lucy Lippard
In past posts I have discussed several women artists including: Georgia O'Keefe, Helen Frankenthaler and just a few posts ago current working artist Cristina Clarimon.

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