

Quick Glances Through Amsterdam

I Took a trip to Holland a few months back and am just now getting to sort through some of the photos I took while there and sharing them; here are three of those, from the city of Amsterdam. (I know I have mentioned this before on this blog, maybe not; but painting is my artistic strong suit, photos and digital production is more of a hobby.) If anyone is interested (for a small fee) I do have the original unaltered versions available at high-resolution, see my email links on the right.

All three photos don't exactly go together but I think it gives an idea of the juxtaposition of the new and the old, which you see a lot in that city. (Imagine it's like a "one of these things doesn't belong here" type thing from Sesame Street.) The top and bottom photos have been digitally color-altered obviously.

©Ed Tajchman, all rights reserved

I like this one because the juxtaposition is obvious and interesting, the modern sign signaling no entry or warning, with the classic buildings on the canal.

I thought this photo of a sign to a shop in the red-district of Amsterdam was funny. Funny for obvious reasons and interesting because of the contrast between the sign and the classical element of the stain-glassed windows; of which only the bottom part can be seen due to the composition of the photo.

©Ed Tajchman, all rights reserved

Amsterdam is a city built on water and full of canals, one of which you can see above. Zo, (Dutch for 'so') I hope you enjoyed some of my quick glances through Amsterdam, you will be seeing more of my thoughts and visions from my trip in the near future here at Modern Art Quotes.

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