

Review of 1997 Cannes Film Festival Winner for Best Screenplay, Independent movie "Henry Fool"

I recently watched Henry Fool directed by Hal Hartley, it was an independent movie made in 1997. Parker Posey plays the sister of the main character. Henry Fool is somewhat interesting, but I think that, is about the top praise one can give it. It won top screenplay 1997 at the Cannes Film Festival, which is probably the only reason it stands out as a film at all.

It's about a garbageman, Simon, who lives in poor, trashy neighborhood with his trashy sister and strange mother. A stranger, Henry, comes upon the household and weaves his inept charm and debauchery. Henry is a self-believing writer and convinces Simon, that he, Simon, is an amazing poet who has the ability to describe the world's true underbelly using the language of the street, pornography, etc. Like holding up a mirror to society.

The movie has some great dialogue between Henry and Simon that makes it worth checking out if you haven't seen it. A writer and a would be writer discussing the ins and outs of the creative struggle. Believing in your art, your vision, despite daily struggles of bills and family and non-believers. Which one is truly talented? Who taught who what etc. etc. It's a great relationship depicted between two artists. I like how in the beginning Simon is the one wearing a uniform and name-tag as Henry tells him this is not the way. Later it's Henry in the uniform and name-tag.

Unfortunately everything outside the relationship artistically between Henry and Simon, falls apart. There are too many holes in the story. The characters are not well fleshed out. In one scene now two people are married, the next scene there is a 5 year old kid. Not enough of why Henry befriends Simon is shown, for example. And the actor who plays Henry doesn't have enough grit to be taken seriously as a writer. He is too much like a guy in an 80's movie or something. His expressions sometimes are buffoon like, but maybe that is what the director was going for.

Final Synopsis for me is that the dialogue between two would be writers is really great, but the story and characters that are set up to promote this dialogue are thin, shallow, and not well fleshed out.

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