

"Lost" Finale: Short Synopsis and Thoughts

Recently the television show 'LOST' wrapped up it's amazing six season run with a fantastic series finale episode. I don't want to sound too smug or something; but for me, the way they wrapped everything up made almost total sense. (It didn't answer every detail obviously, which is good maybe, and they answered enough questions at least). (There are spoilers below for those of you who haven't watched it yet or are waiting for the DVD or something.)

The second storyline we had been following this whole sixth season of the characters after the 'reset'/bomb explosion attempt to nullify the drill breach that ended season five; - was the Losties as ghosts of a kind. They were in the immediate afterlife before moving on (into the light). It was 'a place they created to remember and reconnect' as Christian Shepard put it (talking to Jack). Which means the whole storyline that ended with Jack's (real death) and Hurley in charge of the island with Ben as number two was all real and that's how it ended. (Now that would be a cool series, seeing Hurley in charge with Ben tagging along, - and totally possible - why not?).

Why was the part after the reset attempt/explosion real? - Because Hurley said to Ben (in the 'purgatory' they made), "you made a great number two." Ben said back "and you were a great number one". Also in the scene where Jack enters the church and sees his father, Christian says to Jack about his friends "...some died before you, some died long after." Which implies that whole storyline post-explosion was all real. The scene where Jack falls down after exiting the creek outside the cave was his real life death.

I have to admit those scenes of the Losties remembering their lives, when they touched each other 'as ghosts' (before entering the light) were pretty moving. Juliette and Sawyer (after Juliette slipping from his hands at the end of season five), Sun and Jin (especially after them dying together on the boat). The scene with Locke and Ben outside the church where Ben apologizes to Locke for killing him is quite poignant. I mean it's simple on one hand, but so brutal on another level, - as ghosts before moving on, Ben apologizes to Locke for having killed him in the life that they just left. That's heavy. "Hey I know we are both dead now and I killed you back there. Sorry about that" I mean not to make fun, it's truly a great and intriguing scene, among many from the last episode.

Which leaves the question (in my probably way off-base and confusing assessment) - what did the reset/explosion do exactly? If that second 'happy in LA' storyline was them waiting to 'move on' to 'purgatory' or whatever, then what did the explosion do? Did it just nullify the breach that the Dharma drilling caused; - and the two just canceled each other out? Did it somehow merge the 70's time-line characters into the current time? Because earlier in the sixth season Juliette's 'ghost' or whatever says to Sawyer (through Miles) 'it worked' (meaning the bomb). And at the beginning of this season that huge temple with the Asian 'candidate' in charge of 'the others', wasn't there pre-reset/explosion, - right?

Well I could continue for quite a bit more about Lost because the questions go on forover and the more you think you know the more you think you know nothing, which is the magic of Lost. So Anyways, that's my short nonsensical-maybe synopsis of the amazing finale of the historic TV event that was LOST. Comments and discussion are welcome as always.


YogaforCynics said...

Saw about five minutes of what I think was the first episode of Lost, that's it, though I've certainly heard some bizarre discussions of it, and I've heard lots of upset reactions to the final episode, which sounds like it was comparable to the final episode of the Sopranos (which was pretentious crap).

Anyway, I just wanted to say it's good to see you posting again...

Ed T. said...

Thanks Dr. Jay see you around!!!