

Drawing: Not an Angel

This just another doodle from several years ago. It's funny looking back through my work and seeing what worked, what sticks out, what I liked. Sometimes just the quickest scribbles turn out to be the most interesting work. Trying to capture that free mode of expression can be tricky though, so often my mind is analyzing, over-thinking, trying to hard. That's why I like sketchbooks, they are at least a little bit less intimidating than a relatively expensive piece of fine art paper.

Not an Angel, drawing by Ed T. ©

It's kind of in response to a song named The Noose by the band A perfect Circle, from their album Thirteenth Step. There's a line in the song that talks about something to the effect of pulling someone's halo down around their neck, forcing them to realize their deadly mistake. What it made me think of is the decision by the Bush White House to have a preemptive war. And especially in the way the war was framed and sold to the public; they tried to make it seem like that preemptive warfare was a very necessary and patriotic thing when clearly they, (Rumsfeld, Bush, Cheney) had interests besides finding weapons of mass destruction. But that's old news now. I am not sure if that is what the song is about but that's how I took it, the drawing is also just generally about that idea of checking intentions, ego, and pride; knowing that all aspects of life-altering decisions must be fully realized and to do less is dangerous and ignorant.


Anonymous said...


It's so true that sometimes the investment in an expensive piece of paper or canvas to make some art on inhibits our freedom because we are concerned about "wasting" our investment! I even feel that way about paint.

I know that the less concerned I am about costs, the freer I feel. It's the same way with photography - now that we don't use (and pay for) film anymore, we are freer about what shots we take.

Ed T. said...

Yah gosh I got so peeved sometimes when I am working on expensive paper, gotta get rid of that way doing things, lol.

Anonymous said...

I think the "Not an Angel" looks like a bald George Bush. Especially his puckered lips, interesting post.

Ed T. said...

thanks Marcel

Marcel said...

Any new works of art, papi? You should really focus on following up on this "Not an Angel" extravagance.